Would you like to enjoy the advantages of district heating for your property? Then the first step is to check whether your property is located in the district heating supply area of Stadtwerke Frankfurt (Oder).
Are you planning to connect your new building or replace an existing heating system? We only need a few details and will check whether a connection is possible for your building. In addition to setting up the house connection, Stadtwerke Frankfurt (Oder) also offers you the provision of a central compact district heating station with an optional hot water heating system. Everything is included – from planning to commissioning, permanent system operation, annual maintenance, 24-hour on-call service and repairs – the system permanently remains the property of Stadtwerke. Tell us about your individual situation. In addition to our overall supply scope, we would also be happy to discuss special technical solutions with you.
Please fill out the form below and send it. You will receive an answer promptly about the possibility of a connection. If this is a possibility, we will personally discuss the further application process with you. Of course you are also welcome to contact us by phone.

Connectivity for heating supply
Phone: 0335 553-3550
Email: michael.braune@stadtwerke-ffo.de