with electricity / natural gas / district heating
Phone: 0335 5533-600
Karl-Marx-Straße 195
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Mon, Fri: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Closed on Wednesday
Tue, Thu: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saving energy does not only mean saving money, it also means active environmental protection. Saving energy without loss of comfort – is that even possible? Of course. We will show you how. Or visit us in our customer center in Lenné Passagen.
In addition to tips on how to use energy sparingly, you can find useful energy saving tools in our energy saving shop.
We are happy to support all educational institutions in imparting knowledge on the subject of energy, the environment and waste.
We offer various presentations on the following topics:
Nobody is too small to be a friend to the environment. We support you in your work in preschool groups with:
Stadtwerke Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH conducts waste consulting on behalf of the City of Frankfurt (Oder). We answer your questions about the avoidance, disposal, recycling or recovery of waste.
Energy and environmental advice
Phone: 0335 5533-412
Email: dorit.spielmann@stadtwerke-ffo.de
Phone: 0335 5533-300
Email: service@stadtwerke-ffo.de
Mon, Fri: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Closed on Wednesday
Tue, Thu: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Karl-Marx-Straße 195
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
with electricity / natural gas / district heating
Phone: 0335 5533-600
Stadtwerke Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH. All rights reserved.