Bill explanation
Customer service team
We are happy to help. If you have any questions, you will find our contact details here.
Customer number.:
Your personal customer no. is the most important identification feature. Please always state this when you call, write, and especially when making payments. If the customer no. is missing for example with your payment or if it is incorrect, we cannot assign your payment and we cannot balance your account.
Quick overview of total consumption
and the total cost for the billing period. For details, see page 2 and page 3.
Billing information:
You can see which types of energy (electricity, natural gas or district heating) we supplying you with. The “total amount” on the far right shows the cost of your energy consumption. Advance payments (payments made on energy consumption) are offset against these. This results in the bill amount with our remaining claim or your credit.
Booking and payment information:
If you pay the bill and advance payment amounts by bank transfer, we will remind you once at this point that we expect the payment of our claims by the due dates specified here at the latest. If we have a SEPA mandate (direct debit authorization), you can see from which bank and from which account the bill or advance payments will be collected on the due date.
Advance payment information:
The basis for setting the new advance payments is your current annual consumption. If you want to change the advance payment amounts, use our online customer portal. Please note the due dates.
Billing bases:
Here you will find all the data that was included in the calculation of your annual consumption: the type of energy, the rates you have selected, meter numbers, reading dates and readings (“old” and “new”). You can check whether the meter has been read or estimated or your own reading has been taken into account. When billing gas consumption, the difference between the meter readings (m³) is converted into the legally prescribed billing unit (kWh). At the end of the section you will find your energy consumption as the basis for determining the bill amount. You can also find this on page 1 of your annual bill.
Metering point:
The metering point is an unmistakable measuring point for an energy supply for a consumption point. This unique identification point must be mentioned on every bill.
The consumptions shown in advance are assigned to their valid price or time zones (e.g. in the event of price or tax rate changes in the billing period) and multiplied by the currently valid prices. The annual prices, e.g. service or transfer prices are converted to the exact day according to the respective billing periods and the net, value added tax and gross amounts are transferred to the first page of your annual bill in total for each sector.
Network costs and statutory charges:
We pay the fees for network use and system services and the respective state taxes and surcharges to the local distribution network operator.
Electricity labeling:
The electricity labeling provides information about all energy sources that were used in the electricity products of Stadtwerke Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH and their effects on the environment.
Your current electricity or natural gas consumption in comparison:
The graph shows your energy consumption compared to the average consumption of other households. This enables you to better estimate the quantities consumed. If your consumption is higher than the average overall, it is worthwhile to look for potential savings. We are happy to help you with this.

Do you have questions?

Customer service team
Phone: 0335 5533-300